Vintage Adventures

Howdy! I'm a crafty gal living in the Golden State of California; all about vintage clothes, swing dancing, knitting, cooking, books
and adventures!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Letter #2

Dear folks, 
     I really don't have time to write much.
     Today I got my uniforms & shots- last night I took my tests and made very high grades however I am to be a chemist- where and what it is to be I don't know. I will be given a chance to get in the ski troops after I am assigned. I'm to talk to my C.O. when I get there to arrange if it's possible.
     I'm really having fun. The Army isn't bad at all. All out fellows in Company E are pretty nice.
     I can't have mail here so don't write, I'll let you my next address and you can write then. Don't forget this it's important. 
     I'm entirely O.K. so don't worry. Take care of yourselves and be good!!
     P.S. Will write all details later.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Poor neglected blog.
I've been frightfully busy with, well.. life.
Finishing up my nursing career and beginning my pharmacy career, searching for my run-away cat, family stuff, swing dancing, Red Cross work, air shows, sewing, knitting, painting, cooking, plus seeing someone... Every minute is filled with something I enjoy :)
In the meantime, I'll be posting my grandfather Blair's letters home during World War II from basic training, England, Germany, France and Belgium.
Camp Grant, IL

     If you send me Davy's head size I may be able to get him a Medic's barracks cap. Tell him I said Hello! I'll write to the whole family in one letter but it's for all. Marilyn might send me some addresses of my friends if she will. I'll have you send me the rest of my money later. I have enough now. If you can get me a dog tag chain (preferably silver so it won't rust) take it out of my money and send it right away please. 
     I think I'll make a good soldier as I'm already courteous, and know how to discipline myself. Also my college training will help a lot because we are to be the next best thing to a doctor when wer're through here. 
     We started our drill today. It wasn't new to me nor will it be as I had it all in band (G.C.H.S.). We've got to be perfect soon to march in regimental parades.
     This winter we will have field problems in the cold (Brrr--). We also have to take care of casualties under fire here (all simulated of course) but the fire (land mines, machine guns, etc) are real. We either do things right on this or else! There hasn't been a casualty yet though so don't worry, by the I'll know how.
     Well I'll write again soon! In the mean time take care if yourselves and don't worry because I really like this life.
     Lots of love,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

{Air Show}

I've been MIA because..
On April 25th I went to the Ramona Airport because The Collings Foundation's 2014 Wings of Victory Tour was in town!! 
I'm a big history nerd, my grandfather was an Army Infantry Combat Medic plus the 1940's are my all-time favorite time in history so how could I saw no?
I've always wanted to see big Bombers in real life!
Wanting to represent the American Red Cross since I actually do work there in real life, I put on my 1940's-era American Red Cross uniform and went.
There was a B17, a B24 and a P51.
One of the tour coordinators liked my ARC uniform since it went with the planes and the Rosie the Riveter and plane mechanic reenactors there.
He asked me if I wanted to come to Palomar Airport on Sunday the 27th to pose with the planes and talk with people.
Naturally, I agreed!

I went and had a blast seeing the planes again and talking with people. A lot of them asked to take my picture since I had my Red Cross uniform on (best $65 I ever spend). Quite a few had grandfathers/fathers/uncles that had been bomber pilots during the war. I even got to have lunch with a Flying Tigers pilot! We had peanut butter sandwiches and milk.Everything went so well that I was asked to come the weekend of May 9-11 to the Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana.
I already had that weekend off anyways since I was supposed to go to the Submarine Ball with my boyfriend but he dumped me on Easter morning so my weekend was suddenly free, so why not?
Plus I met a pretty cute Swedish flight engineer too  ;)

I drove up on Friday, checked in to my hotel, and headed over to the Lyon Air Museum and got to work posing with spectators for pictures and talking with people.
I met 3 Pearl Harbor survivors; one of them even worked in a Naval Hospital Pharmacy just like I do!

I'm supposed to join the traveling/flying tour next spring so I'll be out of town for maybe a month or so.
I'm trying to get a few different ARC uniforms together as I don't want to wear the same one every day!

From the Ramona Airport and Palomar Airport:

Betty Jane the P-51.
It turned out the lady I'm posing with lives one street away from me.
I suppose it is a small world!



With a Flying Tigers Pilot.








With a Flying Tigers Pilot.


1940's Jeep at Palomar Airport.

From the Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana

Shiny B-17s make great mirrors.

About to take off in the B17.

In flight.

In flight.

View from the nose of the B17.

In flight.

Time to go back.

1940's BMW.

Showing off my seamed stockings in from of Steve McQueen's motorcycle.

1930's airplane.

1940's bread truck.

95 year old Pearl Harbor survivor.

The last day.

In the tail of the B-25.

Flying down the coast.

Flying down the coast.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Still Ill

Still home sick blaah.
Having lots of onion soup, tapioca pudding and ginger-lemon-honey tea. 
Right now I'm watching "The talk of the town", a 40's black-and-white comedy/drama.
Ever since going to the California Balboa Classic '14 in January and seeing a presentation about the swing dancer Jewel McGowan, I've been hunting old films she dances in to watch!
 Uh oh ya, my sister's wedding is at the end of June and I still haven't gotten a bridesmaid dress yet  >.<  
It's supposed to be tea-colored; I'm pretty confident I'll be able to find something in the local vintage shop.

Monday, March 10, 2014


I tried to go to work today, but my patient sent me home!
So I get to stay home and study, knit, drink tea and watch Swedish crime shows  :)
I'm currently working on my first knitted sweater and I have to say, it's going pretty well!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Busy Bee

Still alive here!
My sister got engaged last month and has her mind set on being a June bride so ya.. lots of wedding planning!
I'm planning on taking my pharmacy state board exam in May.
I've got more Red Cross duties at the new Naval Hospital.
Still working as a home health care nurse.
It's a very refreshing slower pace, compared to the busy hospital atmosphere I used to work in.
I've got more time to spend and focus on my patients.
Also makes for a lot of downtime for studying and knitting.
Oh ya, knitting!
#1 on my new year's resolutions list.
I finally learned how!!
I feel as if my world has expanded.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Victory Gardening

Yes, still alive here!
Still busy with dancing, nursing job, pharmacy school, Red Cross work, a medical journal writing gig, new boyfriend and sister getting married.
Oh and I finally learned how to knit!
Currently working on a fabulous 40's scarf.

I have discovered Freddies of Pinewood denim and have started wearing jeans things again.

Victory Gardening.