Vintage Adventures

Howdy! I'm a crafty gal living in the Golden State of California; all about vintage clothes, swing dancing, knitting, cooking, books
and adventures!

Monday, April 30, 2012

{Yes, I'm still here}

Yes I'm still here!
Dealing with a few complications from the surgery.. it's yucky.

But on a brighter note, I quit my job at the pie shop and got hired at my dream job.. Replay Vintage!

The field across the street.

1950's dress: Replay

Morning Glories at work.

The wall behind my bed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Taking it easy today..
Phantom gallbladder issues.. ugh.

It's time for me to continue on in my nursing studies.
I signed up for classes that begin in summer.
May is the Galveston Bathing Beauties Revue and Rammstein.
June is going home (and taking my significant other with me) for my best friend's wedding.
July is tons of birthdays and hopefully visiting my grandparents in Oklahoma.
Lots of stuff to look forward to!


Monday, April 2, 2012

{Life Lately}

This has been a difficult past couple of weeks for many reasons.
I've been slowly recovering from my surgery.
I've lost some weight, putting me at 140 lbs.
Not bad for being 5'10"!
Needless to say I am pleased.
Can't eat fried food, fatty food or anything with carbs.
Or anything containing too much sugar or flour.
I can't lift heavy things but I can sit up on my own in bed now.
I received a letter from the Texas Board of Nursing today and there is significant progress in transferring my CNA license to Texas. 

1950's dress I got on sale for $17 at Replay,

My dad sent me flowers after my surgery. Yellow roses and Alstroemeria.

Making applesauce.

Wisteria at work

Sunflowers at work

Mason jars at work.